Hi, Ricky

我是一名前端工程师,致力于将创意转换为可触达的 Web 用户体验。


Let's connect the dots


Ask why Understand how

沟通力与思考力是我每天工作的底层基础 不惧提问
努力打造用户体验中的 A Ha 时刻。

From a solo act to a team player

如果需要我解决项目中棘手的困难,我能够坚定的攻克难题,埋头苦干,成为一名出色的 problem-solver 但当需要一个人站出来带领整个项目时,我也能毫无犹豫的站出来,以 project-owner 的身份迎接挑战!

我一直在 分享

作为一个在开源社区自学驱动的工程师, 回馈社区是一种乐趣!


Take a sneak peek on Github and Codepen

啊哈, 你都看到这里来里... 这里是我的经历

xxxx 年毕业以来.... 哈哈哈卖个关子先。以后补充。

Well... That's all for now!


在这个 social media 时代,如果你也是一个互联网爱好者, 你可以非常容易联系到我

Social Stuff

Made without coffee. View Code.

Accessibility note for screen readers

This paragraph was written specially for those who are hearing this... that's right, you! If you find anything weird or you feel lost around here, please reach out to me and I'll do my best to make it better for you. The web is awesome and I believe everyone should be able to enjoy it, no matter what!